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Should government or health experts decide Covid19 policy? The case for depoliticization
Is UK gov 'guided by science', or by its own electoral incentives?This article asks if power to decide should be with experts or politicians
Schooling for the Greater Good
The pandemic has shown the strength of collectivity. Can schools do more to shift moral focus from individualism towards the common good?
Has the A-level fiasco undermined fair equality of opportunity?
A-levels are thought important to ensure equality of opportunity for young people. Has 2020's distorted process denied them this forever?
Covid-19: Political Turmoil and the Opportunity for Change
Revolutionary socialists have long argued crisis hails an opportunity for economic change. Which societal changes should Covid hail in?
COVID-19: Why the threat to democracy depends on the context
How can suspended democracies represent our interests? In less stable states with socioeconomic instability, which interests are legitimate?
Can Moral Philosophy Tell You Who Should Get the Ventilator?
Moral philosophy seeks answers to the toughest choices we face, such as tragic decisions between who lives and dies. Is this possible?
Have our governments become too powerful? Corona and the State of Exception
Governments have been afforded substantial emergency powers to deal with CoVid19. Does this leave us subject to authoritarianism?
Responding to Coronavirus: the worst affected are not only our moral patients
Covid19 shows how deep our inequality is. Equality requires more than redistributing resources, doing only this may perpetuate the problem.
A democratic duty to test for CoVid-19 infection rates?
Can states legitimately choose lives or the economy? Yes, but only if they respect a democratic duty to test and publish rates of infection.
Who is to blame? Scapegoating and gaslighting in the era of Covid-19
In response to the CoVid-19 crisis, the US has responded with unfair blaming and scapegoating. Why is this, and, when is blame justified?
Is it wrong to be a lockdown hypocrite?
‘Do as I say, not as I do’ After a series of resignations by high profile lockdown breakers, Nikhil asks: can hypocrites still be critics?
CoViD-19: The Great Leveler or the Great Sieve?
If CoViD-19 is 'the great leveler' of citizens, why then are the effects are felt so disproportionately by the most vulnerable?
How we failed to recognise our (un)skilled workers
'Unskilled' workers are now essential. Health workers have become our heroes. Why did we not recognise these people before?
Should governments prioritise lives, or the economy?
Should governments do everything they can to save lives or should they be concerned about the economic consequences of life-saving policies?
Has our freedom really been restricted?
With current restrictions making many of us miss our freedom, this piece argues that we may be able to regain it through new understanding.
Why social connection means we should be socially distant
Why should we social distance even when others don't? Are we to blame for increasing transmission rates if we haven't infected anyone?
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